Project NamePrior work on the project issues
Out of School Children Education Program (OSCE), BNFE, GOB‘Out of School Children’ Program as Second Chance Education (SCE) under the Sub-Component 2.5 of PEDP-4 operated by Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE). Objective of the SCE Program is to provide primary education as second chance opportunity for the out of school children (dropped out and never enrolled) of 8-14 years aged group through Non-Formal Education System and to bring them into the mainstream of formal Education System. LC establish & management, learning materials develop, different group & committee formation, orientation, workshop and impart training etc. are the milestone activities of the project.
Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE). BRAC and community contributionBaseline survey and feasibility study, Learner selection, Centre selection, Teacher selection & CMC formation. NFPE School establishment, operation & management to ensure Primary education for dropout & never enrolment children and who are out from the light of primary education different campaign on hygiene practice, food and nutrition. Basic training on literacy and NFPE, Conduct monthly teachers refreshers, CMC meeting & parents meeting. publicity and publication. Billboard establishes and developing IEC/BCC materials regarding mentioned intervention. And networking & advocacy with local administration & LEB.
Excluded Peoples Rights in Bangladesh (EPR), MJF through CAMPECommunity Watch Group Formation Meeting, Orientation of Community Watch Group, Periodic Meeting in School and Community Clinic/Health Complex, Workshop with duty bearer, Public hearing on disparity issues, Interface meeting, Periodic interaction meeting with local education officials, Parents, Mothers Gathering, Workshop on Community Score Card, Community Score Card (School), Community Score Card (Health Complex),Sub National Level public dialogues on inclusive Health, Public dialogues on inclusive Education & Education Governance, Awareness session with excluded groups, Citizens’ Report Card, Citizens’ Charter at Health Complex, Capacity Building/ Orientation of CWG Members, Training on ' primary education and health service governance and role of LGIs'
FP, Repro Health & Nutrition Education with MR & MRM Program, Red Orange Me & Com. Contri.Awareness raising on SRHR. Supply and Delivery Material: Oral saline& Rice Saline, sanitary napkin, pregnancy tip/ kit, Contraceptive of rubber, Health-soap, nutrition-rich foods, various gift items and toys. Provide nutrition education and impart different training.
Livelihood Development of Excluded People, BNF,GOBTo ensure sustainable development of targeted people through awareness raising, skill development and asset transfer among the excluded family.
Vaccination Program, DOH, GOB and community contributionTo ensure vaccine for all people who are out of EPI program through awareness raising on “prevention is the better than cure”. Impart different training on skill development and provide necessary kit and equipment.
Different Issue Based Campaign Program , On Fund of SERAA & Community Contribution.Awareness raising on Covid- 19, drowning prevention, safe road & transport, environment development, Decreasing drop out & quality education for all, End domestic violence & GBV, Promotion of HR and civic rights,