Scio-Economic and Rural Advancement Association (SERAA)

Socio-Economic and Rural Advancement Association (SERAA) is a national non-profitable, non-political and nongovernmental development and humanitarian organization (NGO) as well as Consulting Firm was established in the year of 1997 by a few like-minded social workers at Sukhari union of Atpara Upazila of Netrakona district with a view to improve the socio-economic condition of the rural targeted poor families especially ultra-poor, excluded groups & distressed peoples with the emphasis on women. SERAA is duly registered with DSS & NGOAB, GOB & it has updated Trade License, TIN & VAT as per rules of GOB.

It has been working for the quality improvement of the underprivileged ethnic/tribal communities along with other minority and majority communities without distinction of caste, creed and religion for more than 21 years and earned reputation in development sector as National NGO and as well as Consulting Firm for more than 12 years. SERAA has been working with WASH/ WATSAN Sector, Environment Development and Climate Change Issues since 2003 successfully with the collaboration of GO-NGOs and Un Organizations. And SERAA is well experienced to working with collaborative & Partnership Approach for the Human Resource Development & Livelihood Development of targeted community.

It has vast experience on different campaign program, community mobilization, skill development, collecting data & information and advocacy program implementation. It has good working relationship with the GOB, LGI, Local Communities, like minded organization and different services providers including relevant stakeholders. SERAA mainly works with 07(Seven)development sector to ensure sustainable development of targeted community. Such as Education, Health, Disaster Mitigation, Environment & Climate Change, Livelihood Improvement, Training & Research. Skill and Employment and Promotion of Human Rights Sectors. SERAA uses modern and transparent accounting system. The management system of SERAA is participatory and decentralized. The total staff strength of SERAA is 80 of which 34 male and 46 female. Presently 220 personnel are involved in different project of the organization. It has 85% experienced staff working more than 5-15 years in the organization.

We are very proud of haw far we have come from hard to reach area and grass root level. We believe that with the continuing help from supporters and the community, there is so much more we can do. And all human life is equal and everyone has a right to lead a dignified, self-sufficient life. We do this with your help and support.